Types of Fish in India A Comprehensive Guide

Updated: July 31, 2023



India has a wide variety of fish habitats, ranging in size from massive rivers to vast lagoons and even smaller inland bodies of water. As a result, the country has become home to many diverse species of fish, some found nowhere else on Earth! From the biggest carnivorous catfishes to colourful archerfish and majestic freshwater mahseer–ichthyolites everywhere will surely fall in love with India’s unique selection of aquatic life. This blog post will explore each type of fish found in India along with their amazing characteristics – all guaranteed to give you an appreciation for these remarkable creatures!

Types Of Fish in India Types of Fish

Overview of Fish Species Found in India

Freshwater Fish Types Native to India

India’s freshwater ecosystems, including rivers, lakes, and ponds, host a myriad of fish species that are unique to the country.


The Rohu, or Labeo Rohita, is a common freshwater fish native to India. It is a member of the carp family, widely consumed due to its rich, tender flesh, and high nutritional value.


Also known as the Indian Carp, Catla is another popular freshwater fish. It’s mostly found in rivers and lakes of northern and central India. The fish is known for its distinctive, large silver scales and high protein content.


The Mahseer is a magnificent sport fish found in India’s fast-flowing rivers. It’s coveted by anglers for its size and fighting spirit. Also, it is a key species in river conservation efforts due to its ecological significance.

Saltwater Fish Types Native to India

India’s vast coastline and marine ecosystems are home to numerous saltwater fish species.


Pomfret is a common saltwater fish found in the Indian Ocean along the coasts of India. It’s highly valued in Indian cuisine for its delicate flavour and moderately firm texture.

Indian Mackerel

The Indian Mackerel is a significant part of the diet for coastal communities in India. This saltwater fish is a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids.


Hilsa, also known as Ilish, is a saltwater fish prevalent in the Bay of Bengal. It is famous for its rich, oily texture and is the main ingredient in many traditional Bengali dishes.

These are just a few examples of the numerous types of fish found in India. Each of these species brings its unique flavour and nutritional benefits, making them a valuable addition to the Indian diet.

India’s freshwater bodies are teeming with a myriad of fish species, each bringing an array of unique flavours and nutritional benefits. Here are a few more popular freshwater fish that you can find native to India.


Just like Rohu and Catla, Katla is a member of the carp family. The fish is highly prized for its taste and tends to grow quite large, making it a popular choice for aquaculture.


Pabda fish, also known as the Indian Butterfish, is a freshwater species native to India. It’s a beloved delicacy in East India, especially in Bengal, due to its soft meat and delicious taste.


Singi or Stinging Catfish is another freshwater fish widely found in India. The fish has a unique trait – it can survive out of water for several hours.


Anabas, or climbing perch, is a fascinating fish species that can ‘walk’ on land and even climb trees. Don’t be fooled by its small size; it’s a tasty fish that’s widely consumed in different parts of India.

This diverse range of freshwater fish in India not only adds to the country’s rich biodiversity but also contributes significantly to the culinary variety, nutrition, and livelihood opportunities for many communities.

What Kinds of Saltwater Fish Call India Home

India’s extensive coastline, stretching over 7,500 kilometres, houses a diverse array of marine habitats – from tropical coral reefs to mangrove-lined estuaries. These habitats provide a home to a multitude of saltwater fish species, several of which are staples in Indian coastal cuisine.


The Kingfish or Surmai, as known in India, is a universally prized game fish and a favourite in culinary circles for its firm, white meat and minimal bones.


Barramundi or Asian Sea Bass is a widely consumed saltwater fish in India. Its white, flaky flesh is packed with protein and Omega-3 fatty acids, making it a healthy choice for seafood lovers.


Indian Oceans are home to several species of tuna, including Yellowfin and Skipjack. This robust, nutrient-dense fish is a staple in the diet of coastal communities.


Sardines, locally known as Mathi or Chaala in India, are small, oily fish that are loaded with health benefits. They are one of the most commonly consumed fish in India due to their affordability and nutritional content.

These are just a few examples of the diverse types of saltwater fish found in India, each with its unique characteristics and culinary uses. From the rich, oily flavour of Hilsa to the delicate taste of Pomfret, India’s saltwater fish offer an enticing array of choices for seafood lovers.

Tips for Incorporating Fish into Your Indian Diet

Incorporating fish into your diet can provide numerous health benefits due to their high protein content, rich Omega-3 fatty acids, and essential vitamins and minerals. Here are some tips on how you can include different types of fish in your Indian diet to reap their nutritional benefits:

Choose Local Species

Opt for local fish species as they are likely to be fresher and support local fishing communities. Both freshwater and saltwater fish from India offer a wide array of choices to suit different taste preferences.

Experiment with Different Cooking Methods

Indian cuisine offers a variety of cooking methods that can enhance the flavour of fish. You can grill, steam, bake, or curry your fish, each method offering a unique taste and texture.

Include Fish in your Weekly Diet

Try to include fish in your diet at least twice a week. Regular consumption can help you benefit from the nutrients that fish offer.

Mind your Portions

While fish is a nutritious choice, it’s essential to keep track of your portions, especially if the fish is cooked with high-fat sauces or deep-fried.

Choose Sustainable

Whenever possible, opt for sustainably-sourced fish to help protect fish populations and the environment.

Store Properly

Ensure that the fish is stored properly to retain its freshness and nutritional value. Fresh fish should be stored in the refrigerator and consumed within two days, while frozen fish can last up to six months.

How to Buy and Store Fish for Maximum Freshness

Knowing how to select and store fish properly is crucial to maximizing its freshness, taste, and nutritional value. Here are some tips:

Buying Fresh Fish

When buying fresh fish, look for clear, bright eyes. The scales should be shiny, and the gills should be vibrant red. Fresh fish should have a mild scent, not a strong, fishy smell.

Buying Frozen Fish

For frozen fish, make sure the package is free of tears or signs of frost. Avoid packages with discolouration or ice crystals, as these may indicate that the fish has been stored for a long time or thawed and refrozen.

Storing Fresh Fish

Once you’ve bought the fish, it’s important to store it properly to maintain its quality. Fresh fish should be refrigerated at a temperature of 0-4 degrees Celsius and consumed within two days.

Storing Frozen Fish

Frozen fish should be kept in the freezer at a temperature of -18 degrees Celsius or lower. While freezing extends the shelf life of the fish, it’s recommended to consume frozen fish within six months for optimal quality.

By following these tips, you can ensure that you’re buying and storing your fish correctly and getting the maximum freshness and nutritional value from your seafood.


Interesting Facts About the History of Fishing in India

Fishing in India has a rich and diverse history that stretches back thousands of years. Here are some interesting facts that highlight the cultural, economic, and ecological significance of this practice:

Ancient Practices

Fishing has been an integral part of Indian civilization since ancient times. Archaeological evidence dating back to the Indus Valley Civilization reveals the presence of fishing nets, hooks, and other equipment, indicating that fishing was a primary food source.

Traditional Methods

Traditional fishing methods passed down through generations, are still adopted in many parts of India. These include ‘basket fishing’, where a woven basket is used to trap fish, and ‘pole and line fishing’, a more eco-friendly method.

Sacred Significance

In many Indian cultures, fish have sacred significance. For instance, in Assam, the Golden Mahseer is considered a deity and is revered by the locals.

Economic Impact

Fishing plays a crucial role in the Indian economy, providing livelihoods to millions of people. India is the second-largest producer of fish in the world and a major exporter of seafood.

Conservation Efforts

With the increasing pressure on fish stocks, India has implemented various conservation measures, including the establishment of Marine Protected Areas and seasonal fishing bans. These initiatives aim to promote sustainable fishing and protect the biodiversity of India’s aquatic ecosystems.

Understanding the history of fishing in India helps us appreciate its cultural importance and the need for sustainable practices to conserve this vital resource. The diversity of fish species in India, both freshwater and marine, further adds to the country’s rich natural heritage and culinary variety.


Whether you’re a seafood enthusiast, a home cook, or simply a person interested in India’s diverse aquatic life, understanding the variety of fish species found in India is a journey worth embarking on. From the popular freshwater species to the distinctive saltwater types, there is a wealth of flavours and textures to explore. Choosing to incorporate these nutritious varieties into your diet not only supports your health but also contributes to the livelihood of local fishing communities. Remember to buy and store your fish correctly for maximum freshness and nutritional value, and whenever possible, opt for sustainable choices. Let’s respect the age-old traditions and cultures linked with fishing, but also stay aware of the need for careful conservation of these precious resources. So, dive in, experiment with different types of fish in your meals, and enjoy the culinary diversity that India’s waters have to offer.

How many types of fish are in India?

India is home to over 2,546 species of fish.

What is the name of the common fish in India?

The most common fish in India is Rohu.

What fish are available in India?

Rohu, Catla, and Mackerel are among the fish available in India.

What is rohu fish called in India?

‘Rohu’ is the same in India as in English.

Which fish is very costly in India?

The Ghol Fish, also known as Protonibea diacanthus, is the most expensive fish in India.

Muhammad Asim

Muhammad Asim

Welcome to TypesFish.com! I'm Muhammad Asim a passionate fish enthusiast with a deep love for aquatic life. With a background in Marine Biology, I aim to share my knowledge and fascination for fish through this website. From unique species to responsible fishkeeping, let's explore the wonders of our underwater world together. Enjoy the journey! Best fishes, M Asim

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