The Incredible World of Indian Salmon Fish

Updated: August 11, 2023



If you’re an adventurous seafood lover, then the famous Indian Salmon Fish is a must-try! This delicious and flavorful fish not only has a unique taste but is also packed with health benefits. From its high nutritional content to its heart-healthy Omega-3 fatty acids, eating this delectable delicacy can keep you healthy and strong. And the best part? You don’t have to travel all the way to India to taste it – it’s readily available at many local stores or online. Let’s dive into the fascinating world of Indian Salmon Fish!

Indian Salmon Fish
Indian Salmon Fish

The Indian Salmon Fish, also known by its scientific name Polydactylus indicus, is a remarkable species native to the warm coastal waters of India. This fish holds a significant place in Indian cuisine and culture, often appearing in traditional recipes and local folklore. Known for its unique flavour and texture, the Indian Salmon Fish provides a delightful culinary experience that showcases the richness and diversity of Indian food heritage. Its widespread availability and nutritional benefits have only increased its popularity over time, turning it into a staple ingredient in many Indian households.

Table of Content
  1. Introduction
  2. Species and Distribution
    1. Indian Salmon (Polydactylus indicus)
    2. Golden Mahseer (Tor putitora)
    3. Indian Threadfin (Polynemus paradiseus)
  3. Physical Characteristics
    1. Indian Salmon (Polydactylus indicus)
    2. Golden Mahseer (Tor putitora)
    3. Indian Threadfin (Polynemus paradiseus)
  4. Nutritional Value
    1. Key Nutrients Present in Indian Salmon Fish
    2. Health Benefits of Consuming Salmon Fish Regularly
  5. Culinary Significance
    1. Indian Salmon in Traditional Indian Cuisine
      1. Rawas Fish Curry
      2. Grilled Salmon Tandoori
    2. Indian Salmon in Contemporary Cuisine
      1. Indian Salmon Sushi
  6. Indian Salmon Salad
  7. Fishing Techniques
    1. Traditional Fishing Methods
    2. Modern Fishing Techniques
  8. Conservation Status
    1. Current Conservation Status
    2. Threats to the Species
    3. Conservation Efforts
  9. Cultural Significance
    1. Indian Salmon in Cultural and Religious Festivities
    2. Indian Salmon in Folklore and Mythology
  10. Conclusion

Species and Distribution

India is home to several species of salmon fish, each with its unique characteristics and habitat preferences. The three most common species are the Indian Salmon (Polydactylus indicus), the Golden Mahseer (Tor putitora), and the Indian Threadfin (Polynemus paradiseus).

Indian Salmon (Polydactylus indicus)

The Indian Salmon, also known as the Rawas in local cuisine, is a popular choice due to its firm flesh and delicate flavour. It predominantly dwells in the Western coastal waters of India, particularly along Maharashtra’s coastline.

Golden Mahseer (Tor putitora)

The Golden Mahseer, a freshwater salmon, is a prized catch for anglers due to its size and strength. It is found primarily in the rivers of the Himalayan region, including the Ganges and Brahmaputra.

Indian Threadfin (Polynemus paradiseus)

The Indian Threadfin also referred to as the Paradise Threadfin, boasts a series of thread-like extensions from its fins. It is commonly found in the eastern and southeastern coastal regions of India.

These species’ distribution depends largely on water temperature and salinity, with each preferring different habitats ranging from brackish estuaries to freshwater rivers.

Physical Characteristics

Indian salmon fish are fascinating not only for their culinary value but also for their intriguing physical attributes. Each species has distinctive features, setting them apart from each other.

Indian Salmon (Polydactylus indicus)

Indian Salmon is a robust, medium-sized fish with a streamlined body perfect for fast swimming. They are typically silver-blue with a slightly darker back and a lighter belly. The fish also has a distinct dorsal fin and deeply forked tail, contributing to its unique appearance.

Golden Mahseer (Tor putitora)

The Golden Mahseer is known for its large, thick body and its characteristic golden scales. The striking feature of this species is its size – it can grow up to 9 feet in length, making it one of the largest freshwater fish in India.

Indian Threadfin (Polynemus paradiseus)

The Indian Threadfin, true to its name, has thin, thread-like filaments extending from the lower part of its pectoral fins. This species is also known for its elongated, silvery body and large, strongly forked caudal fin that assists in swift movements in the water.

These physical features are not just for show – they play a crucial role in the survival and lifestyle of these intriguing creatures.

Nutritional Value

Indian Salmon fish is a powerhouse of essential nutrients, making it a beneficial addition to any balanced diet. With each bite, you are nourishing your body with a wealth of vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats.

Key Nutrients Present in Indian Salmon Fish

The Indian Salmon fish is rich in protein, providing the necessary amino acids for muscle development and repair. It is also a significant source of Vitamin D, which plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy bones and teeth.

Additionally, Indian Salmon fish is high in Vitamin B12, a nutrient that supports the body’s nerve function and the production of DNA and red blood cells. It also contains a good amount of Selenium, a powerful antioxidant that helps protect the body from damage by free radicals and inflammation.

Health Benefits of Consuming Salmon Fish Regularly

Regular consumption of Indian Salmon fish can offer numerous health benefits, primarily due to its high Omega-3 fatty acid content. These essential fatty acids can reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure, and decrease risk factors for diseases. They are also good for brain health, improving memory and cognitive function.


Moreover, because of its high protein content, Indian Salmon fish aids in weight management by promoting fullness and increasing metabolic rate. The presence of vitamins and minerals further bolsters immunity and overall health.

All in all, incorporating Indian Salmon fish into your diet is a delicious way to keep your body well-fueled and healthy.

Culinary Significance

Indian Salmon in Traditional Indian Cuisine

Indian Salmon holds a paramount place in Indian cuisine, particularly in coastal regions where seafood is a dietary staple. It is used in a wide variety of dishes, from spicy curries to grilled delicacies. The fish’s firm flesh holds up well to different cooking methods, making it versatile in the kitchen.

Rawas Fish Curry

One of the most popular dishes featuring Indian Salmon is Rawas fish curry. This delectable dish is a blend of succulent salmon pieces cooked in a tangy, spicy sauce that represents Indian spices’ complexity and depth.

Grilled Salmon Tandoori

Grilled Salmon Tandoori gives the classic tandoori recipe a twist. The fish is marinated with tandoori masala and then grilled to perfection, resulting in a deliciously charred exterior and a tender, flaky interior. It is typically served with a side of mint chutney, adding a refreshing counterpoint to the dish’s robust flavours.

Indian Salmon in Contemporary Cuisine

While Indian Salmon is an essential part of traditional Indian cuisine, it has also found its place in contemporary culinary practices. Indian Salmon’s mild flavour and firm texture make it an excellent canvas for experimenting with new flavour combinations and cooking techniques.

Indian Salmon Sushi

Indian Salmon Sushi is a fusion dish that melds the rich flavours of Indian spices with Japanese culinary aesthetics. Here, the salmon is marinated with Indian spices and then used as a topping for sushi rolls, creating a dish that is not only visually appealing but also packed with distinct flavours.

Indian Salmon Salad

Indian Salmon Salad takes a healthy, modern approach to using this fish. The salmon is poached or grilled, then tossed with a variety of fresh vegetables and a light, tangy dressing. This dish represents a balance of flavours and textures, making it a popular choice among health-conscious individuals.

In both traditional and contemporary cuisines, Indian Salmon is celebrated for its distinctive taste and nutritional benefits. It continues to inspire chefs and home cooks alike, bridging the gap between tradition and innovation, and reaffirming its status as a culinary delight.

Fishing Techniques

Traditional Fishing Methods

Indian Salmon, like most fish species, can be caught using a variety of traditional fishing methods.

  1. Handlining: This is a traditional technique where a single fishing line is held in the hands. A baited hook or lure is attached to the line, which is then cast out into the water. This method requires skill and patience, as the angler must manually feel and reel in the fish.
  2. Gillnetting: Gillnetting involves using a net that is vertically hung in the water. The fish are caught by their gills as they try to swim through the net, which is nearly invisible underwater. This method is particularly effective for catching Indian Salmon as they swim close to the surface.

Modern Fishing Techniques

Modern fishing methods have introduced more efficient ways to catch Indian Salmon.

  1. Longlining: This technique involves a long main fishing line with many shorter lines branching off it, each with baited hooks. Longlining can be done in both shallow and deep waters and is highly effective for catching larger fish.
  2. Trawling: Trawling is a method where a large net is towed behind a boat, catching everything in its path. While this method is highly effective, it is often criticized for its lack of selectivity, often catching unintended species.

Fishing for Indian Salmon, whether through traditional or modern methods, requires knowledge of the fish’s habits and habitats. Understanding these techniques can enhance the fishing experience and contribute to sustainable fishing practices.

Conservation Status

Current Conservation Status

Indian Salmon is currently listed as “Least Concern” on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List. This classification indicates that the species is widespread and abundant in the wild. However, like all marine species, it faces threats that could potentially impact its population in the future.

Threats to the Species

The primary threats to Indian Salmon include overfishing and habitat destruction. Overfishing, facilitated by both legal and illegal fishing practices, can lead to a significant decrease in the fish population. Moreover, the destruction of coastal and freshwater habitats due to pollution and climate change also poses substantial risks.

Conservation Efforts

Efforts to protect and conserve Indian Salmon are underway through various local and international initiatives. These include regulating fishing practices, introducing quotas on catches, and establishing marine protected areas. Additionally, raising public awareness about the importance of sustainable seafood choices can also contribute significantly to species conservation.

Cultural Significance

Indian Salmon in Cultural and Religious Festivities

Indian Salmon holds a significant place in various cultural and religious festivities in India. Particularly in coastal regions, this fish is considered auspicious and is often included in celebratory meals.

  1. Weddings and Celebrations: In many coastal communities, dishes made from Indian Salmon are a staple at weddings and other celebrations. The fish is often cooked in large quantities and served as part of a lavish feast, symbolizing prosperity and abundance.
  2. Religious Ceremonies: Indian Salmon is also used in certain religious ceremonies. Some communities offer the fish to their deities during festivals, while in others, it is consumed as part of a ritual meal.

Indian Salmon in Folklore and Mythology

Indian Salmon also figures prominently in numerous Indian myths and folklore. These stories highlight the cultural significance of the fish and often impart moral or philosophical lessons.

  1. Myths: Some coastal communities believe that Indian Salmon were once humans who were transformed into fish as a result of a curse or boon. These myths often revolve around themes of transformation and redemption.
  2. Folklore: Indian Salmon is often featured in folk songs and tales that depict the daily lives and struggles of fishing communities. These stories and songs provide a glimpse into the cultural importance of this fish to these communities.

The cultural significance of Indian Salmon extends beyond its culinary use, ingrained deeply in the traditions, beliefs, and stories of the people. Its importance in Indian culture further underscores the need for sustainable fishing practices to ensure its continued abundance.


The Indian Salmon, also known as Rawas in local dialects, is a highly sought-after fish. This fish has a unique, indulgent taste and the white meat is rich in essential nutrients, making it a famous seafood product in India. The cut and the clean, fresh weight of the Indian Salmon fish contributes significantly to its price, which can vary depending on the weight of the fish in kilograms (kg).

Buying Indian Salmon requires a careful appraisal of its freshness and quality. The fish’s meat should be firm, clean, and have a consistent colour throughout. It is recommended to buy this product from reputable seafood shops to ensure its quality. Fresh Indian Salmon is a versatile product and can be cooked in various ways.

The Indian Salmon is not just a fish; it’s a testament to India’s rich seafood culture and tradition. Whether it’s eaten raw or cooked, this fish never fails to impress with its amazing taste. The Indian Salmon is a gem in the world of seafood, offering a taste that’s unique and unforgettable. Its popularity and the demand it enjoys in markets across India is a testament to its quality and taste.

In conclusion, the Indian Salmon, or Rawas, is more than just a fish. It’s an important part of the Indian seafood culture, a symbol of prosperity and abundance, and an embodiment of the rich tastes and flavours of the sea.

What is salmon fish called in India?

Indian Salmon is commonly referred to as “Rawas” in India.

Is Indian Salmon good to eat?

Yes, Indian Salmon is highly nutritious and is renowned for its unique and indulgent taste.

Does India have salmon fish?

Yes, Indian Salmon (Rawas) is found in the coastal waters of India.

Is Indian Salmon a sea or river fish?

Indian Salmon is a sea fish that occasionally ascends rivers.

Is Rohu a salmon?

No, Rohu is a type of carp, not a species of salmon.

Why is salmon expensive in India?

The cost of Indian Salmon (Rawas) is influenced by its freshness, weight, cut, and high demand.

Is Indian Salmon boneless?

No, Indian Salmon has bones, but it’s often sold in boneless fillets.

Can salmon grow in India?

Yes, Indian Salmon (Rawas) is native to India’s coastal waters.

Muhammad Asim

Muhammad Asim

Welcome to! I'm Muhammad Asim a passionate fish enthusiast with a deep love for aquatic life. With a background in Marine Biology, I aim to share my knowledge and fascination for fish through this website. From unique species to responsible fishkeeping, let's explore the wonders of our underwater world together. Enjoy the journey! Best fishes, M Asim

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